One thing that it has and that I love are porcelain tubs and sinks in great condition. Cleaning these provides a whole new challenge. Especially when you want to keep them in great condition and you have septic tank that begs you to not use harsh chemicals and bleach.
When we first moved in the kitchen sink was stained. Both from the previous owners and us leaving coffee sitting in it.
No amount of scrubbing was getting rid of it, so I knew I needed something stronger, but without using chemicals.
And by stronger, it only required two simple ingredients:
Baking Soda
1 Lemon
I simply sprinkled the baking soda into the sink, cut the lemon in half, squeezed some of the juice into the sink, and then used the lemon halves to scrub the baking soda into the sink.
A quick rinse with warm water and Voila! A clean sink!
Just so you don't think you need to have an endless supply of baking soda and lemons in your home to keep your sink clean, I've only done this twice in the 4 months we've been in our new home. Regular rinses will usually keep the stains away.
Since how many days you you are not cleaning your tubs and sinks? Anyways! good job with the content.